PREDICT: Jobs of the Future with AI 4 VET inclusion

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AI interVeu: Course Prototype and Platform


The Working Package has the following objectives:

01. It will enable VET learners to acquire or reskill digital and communication skills.

02. It will aim to develop digital literacy skills and understand how to prepare online resources for VET learners.

03. It will provide extensive knowledge on designing and instructing VET trainers on technologies, online activities, and communication.

04. It will create opportunities and strategies that address the needs of future jobs and delivery them through an open, accessible, and intuitive medium.

These specific objectives link with the general aims of the project in the sense that they contribute to the development of VET learners’ digital and communication skills. Also, these objectives contribute to empowering technologies with AI components to reflect a more tailored learning approach to these target groups. In short, its about personalized learning experiences for VET contexts with a focus on technologies and communication.


Instructional Design for VET Environments

Dynamic guides on how to build courses with Instructional Design for VET environments.

User Experience: Building Content for VET Learners and Instructors

UX strategies and guidelines on VET content. Wireframing solutions for VET applications.

VET Online Course

Learning contents for the VET online course on communication skills and technologies. Digital platform for the online course powered by AI components for dynamic, accessible, and intuitive learning. Tutorials and guidelines for the VET online course.